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Registered NDIS Provider Australia Wide

Registration Number: 4-G104EKU

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    SDA Housing Solutions

    There is massive opportunity for investors, builders, SIL service providers and SDA supported tenants to gain mutual benefit from the NDIS. Studies have revealed that there is massive demand for these homes.

    Demand For SDA Housing Solutions

    Studies in 2018 found there is a major shortfall of disability accommodation throughout Australia requiring a 60% increase in the number of homes available for this sector.  
    When first research was done, 28,000 Australians with a disability where identified as living in inappropriate accommodation. More recent studies found that this number could actually be much higher.
    The NDIS/SDA funding is to encourage property investors and institutions to build disabled centric homes.
    Sadly, there are also 6,000+ young Australians who are currently living in aged care facilities due to a lack of housing options. The overall number of people who will need suitable housing increases by approximately 50 per week.

    Full Turn Key Homes

    High Physical Support and Fully Accessible certified 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom and 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom homes with carer accommodation included . Also some duplex’s available where land size is suitable.
    Yielding investors approximately 11% + net returns depending on the home location and price of land. Currently the package price of the homes ranges from $550,000.00 to $770,000.00 full turnkey. Rental is paid by NDIS/SDA for each funded tenant plus the tenants also contribute 25% of their disability pension as a reasonable rental contribution.

    Provision for an overnight carer

    A bedroom is set aside for a carer. A house with 3 tenants may have from 5 to 10 separate carers who will come and go throughout the day and one may need to stay overnight. 

    Homes are purchased via a standard house and land contract with stamp duty only payable on the land component. This represents considerable savings in initial costs. 


    Land has been selected in areas that meets the NDIS/SDA housing requirement.

    Funding Model

    The Federal Government has created the NDIS/SDA funding model to attract new property investors to this under supplied asset class. The Australian property industry and media are largely silent or uninformed to the NDIS/SDA opportunities. The difference with with these investments is that you own the property and receive the SDA income and not the large disability institutions.

    Understand NDIS demand in your area

    Check out the NDIS Map for availability in your area.
    NDIS Website NDIS Map

    Interested In Building An SDA Home?

    We want to see successful NDIS investors and we have the tools and knowledge to make that possible. Get in contact for a consultation.
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