A blue and green logo for sda housing investments

Registered NDIS Provider Australia Wide

Registration Number: 4-G104EKU

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    What We Do and how we can help...

    We provide a comprehensive management service for owners of SDA properties that is affordable to NDIS participants.
    As registered SDA providers, we comply with all conditions set forth in the NDIS. You can have confidence that all standards required for a SIL client is of highest priority.
    We work with SIL providers closely to ensure properties meet and continue to meet the criteria for both their staffing requirements and the requirements of the prospective tenants.

    We can help...

    We bring families together, thats our goal, to create an environment that is safe, happy and well cared for. The NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to accommodation for participants who require specialist housing solutions to assist with the delivery of supports that cater for their functional impairment and/or very high support needs. SDA does not refer to personal support services, but the homes in which these are delivered.

    Traditionally funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation was through centrally managed capital grants programs that provide block funding to providers.

    Under the NDIS, SDA funding is now spent based on participants’ choices on where they would like to live, rather than government agency decisions on the merits of provider grants applications. Through participant choices, funding can now flow to a wide range of providers of varying scales offering new and innovative solutions, rather than being limited to incumbent players who are familiar with grants processes.

    SDA funding is now delivered steadily across 20 years, rather than being tied to “lumpy” grants rounds.

    To incentivise social impact investors to get on board and invest in the ‘bricks and mortar’ of NDIS SDA properties, the NDIS SDA payments have been formulated as an adjusted contribution to the cost of capital required for the land and physical buildings required for SDA needs.

    When the NDIS is fully rolled out, a budgeted $700m in SDA payments will be made each year to support almost 28,000 participants requiring a specialist housing solution, an average of $25,000 p.a. per participant.

    Each participant also contributes 25% of their disability pension and their Centrelink funded rent assistance towards their accommodation rent, approximately $9,412 p.a.

    The NDIS SDA Pricing Framework is fixed at 5-year periods and reviews are benchmarked to a legislated formula that accounts for:

    • Asset life of building 60 years

    • Investment horizon of 20 years

    • Increases in building costs

    • Long term debt rate currently 5.2% (ten-year Commonwealth Bond rate plus 2.5% debt margin)

    • An assumed 60% debt rate (same as applied in the aged care sector)

    • Pre-tax equity returns of 11.6% (same as applied in the aged care sector)

    • Specialist property management costs

    • Higher maintenance costs

    • Loss on building cost when sold

    • Fees on sale of property currently 7.3%

     The NDIS Pricing Framework now provides SDA funding directly to eligible participants in the form of a capitalised monthly rental payment.

    The result for investors is an above average yield from a well-appointed, well located residential investment that they can be proud of. The result for the people with disability who transition in as long-term tenants, is simply profound.

    For more on how to invest in NDIS SDA houses and apartments with SDA Housing Investments, please contact us here…

    You can check out our top properties here.

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    A purple logo for the ndis quality and safeguards commission.

    We are NDIS Registered Providers: 4-G104EKU

    Registered Providers have been vetted by the Australian Government, providing you with Quality Assurance

    Gaining an SP accreditation is not an easy process. The application process is very lengthy and costly

    with firstly a many paged question process to be worked through. As there are many levels which

    can be applied for we had to determine what exactly we need to fill out and what to leave blank.

    Then we completed a series of modules involving all the areas that we applied for. Once this had

    been completed we then needed to supply a vast amount of documentation, produce character

    references, apply for yellow cards and undergo police checks to find that we were fit and proper

    persons to hold an accreditation. After this we were required to have an independent auditor check

    that we had all the necessary documentation and understood the requirements of the accreditation.

    Only after we had passed the audit were we able to apply to the NDIS Commission for our Service

    Providers accreditation. This entire process from start to finish took over 12 months.

    Find Out More
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